New In Chess Magazines: All Games
The prestigious magazine specialized in Chess, New in Chess, has published many of the games in its magazines.
From 1999 to 2019 they punctually complied with uploading the corresponding PGNs, but from then until the present year 2023 they did not publish any more; I have just been able to find a new file 2023/5, I hope they resume the habit of plocating the games. If so, I will update the base.
As always I have compiled the 162 PGNs in a single database and make it available in the 3 usual formats.
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La AIPE creó en 1968 la Association Internationale de la Presse Échiquéenne y a continución un boletin denominado AIPE CHESS NEWS. ¿Podría saber donde puedo localizar los 18 primeros números que se publicaron? Gracias. Joaquim
He buscado y no encuentro nada al respecto.
Mis artículos aparecen en la web de
Gracias por compartir tu web, si tienes bases de partidas que desees compartir me las puedes enviar en formato PGN y las publico.
Ruego noticias al respecto.