Chess Data Bases for Free

I am training to achieve a FIDE Official Chess title, so one of the first resources I will need is the game databases. Due to the high cost of commercial versions I decided to start my own collection.

The collection of Chess games are not copyrighted, they are in the public domain. The comments on them do belong to their authors, therefore in these collections that I offer, all the games do not have comments. That said, creating Chess game collections is therefore free.

And if this works for me, I guess it will work for other Chess players as well, so I’ve decided to free up my databases.

I plan to do this on a monthly basis, collecting as many games as I can get from as many tournaments as possible. Nowadays, almost all the important events publish all the games round by round on the web, so I hope to be able to contribute in this way to the training of new Chess players.

“Gens una sumus”

ACM Mario Lacunza


Added Support for SCID

Due to changes in downloads, I have decided to add the SCID Vs Pc database format again (valid for SCID as well). In this way we offer our bases in 4 formats: ChessBase 17, 16, PGN and SCID, with this I hope it will be easier and more convenient for everyone to work with the…

nic yearbooks

New In Chess YearBook: All Games

In May 2022 we received the sad news that another written medium was coming to an end: NIC Yearbook; after 35 years they printed their last issue on paper.Due to the growth of different digital platforms, print magazines are losing more and more readers, who have migrated to digital editions.New in Chess YearBook published all…

Changes in the Downloads

Changes in the Downloads

To date we have maintained the policy of having only one downloadable file for each type of game database, so with each new version I created a new file. While this is practical for me, it is not always practical for users who have to download every month a large amount of MB and repeat…

Support for ChessBase 17

Support for ChessBase 17

A few months ago the new version of ChessBase 17 was released and I have purchased a copy of it.Among the new features of the best software for Chess games database management is the creation of a new format, which has many advantages.Because of this I have decided to add support for this new format…


Migration to WordPress

I have decided to migrate the old website made purely in the traditional way, i.e. with HTML + CSS code, to the well-known CMS WordPress.This will allow me to create content faster and improve the design of the website.I have improved the mobile design by adding better support for devices with smaller screens.With the variety…


Many of the old databases have errors so I have had to do many filters:

Deleted duplicate games, deleted games with errors, deleted games with less than 5 moves, selection of games with players with ELO +2000, added the ELO of the players when possible, corrected the names and added codes ECO openings.

The November 2022 update eliminated +1.5 million duplicate games that originated in the Caissabase database.

File Formats

From July 2022 the SCID format will be replaced by ChessBase 16. I have been able to buy the latest version of this software and it is excellent.

All databases are offered for download in two formats:

  • PGN: the universal format for saving chess games which is basically plain text and is recognized by all chess programs. You can easily convert this format to Chessbase or other software.
  • CB: ChessBase 16 format.

All files are compressed using the format 7zip, which is free and free available for all platforms.

All files are stored in the cloud: Contabo Object Storage:

How to import PGN into SCID vs PC?

You can’t import PGN files into SCID vs PC using the GUI because of the file size, the proccess will be crash. Instead of that you need to use a command line tool.

Pgnscid is a command line utility (included with Scid) to convert PGN files to si4 databases. It’s main advantage over Scid Imports is that it is more reliable for large PGN imports.To convert a file named “myfile.pgn”, simply type:

$> pgnscid myfile.pgn

and a Scid database (consisting of “myfile.si4”, “myfile.sg4” and “myfile.sn4”) is created, with errors and warnings written to “myfile.err”.

To create the database in a different directory, or with a different name, one may add the database name to the command line. For eg:

$> pgnscid myfile.pgn mybase

Origins of the Games

I have obtained Chess games from different external sources such as many old websites now closed (remember the archive of the University of Pittsburgh?), games that I manually collected myself since the 80’s; I have also collected games from other free and open databases:

  • Millionbase
  • Icofy Chess Database
  • KingBase Chess Database
  • TWIC
  • Caissabase
  • Database
  • rozim
  • ICCF
  • IECG
  • LSS
  • FICS
  • PGN Mentor


If you find this content useful, I invite you to send me a donation, with which I will be able to pay the costs of the domain, server and the repository of the databases.


Follow us on our social networks where you will find out when a new version of the Free Chess Databases will be released:
